Did you know that most recruiters no longer manually screen resumes ? Most companies use platforms like Ekiptesin to automatically scan, parse and sort candidate information.
This means that if your resume is not compatible with such platforms (often called ATS, for ‘applicant tracking systems’), your chances of getting hired drop drastically.
Here are some tips to make your resume ATS-friendly:
1. Use standard resume formats:
Traditional formats and layouts may look plain but they are much more ATS-friendly. Avoid creative designs and colorful layouts.
2. Choose common file types:
Save your resume in widely accepted file formats like .docx or PDF as ATS systems might struggle with other formats.
3. Avoid unnecessary graphics and images:
Steer clear of graphics, images, or other visual elements. Most ATS systems cannot read or understand images, so any information contained in them might be lost.
4. Clearly section your resume:
Use standard headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” “Skills,” and so on. Uncommon headings might not be recognized by the ATS. Make sure each section is clearly defined and formatted consistently.
5. Use bullet points and simple formatting:
Use bullet points to organize information and make it easier for an ATS to scan. Be consistent with your formatting and aim for clarity.
6. Avoid using tables or columns:
Tables and columns are risky as they might not be parsed correctly by some ATS systems.
7. Include relevant keywords:
Incorporate keywords from the job description. ATS systems often scan for specific keywords related to the experience, skills, titles and certifications of the candidate.
That's it! Keep researching and optimizing your resumes as the world of recruitment is ever-changing.